
发布日期:2021年10月12日 13时50分30秒   阅读人数:

姓名 申明哲 性别
民族 朝鲜族 学位 博士
职称 副教授 职务
电话 0443-2435569 邮箱 shen0224@ybu.edu.cn
学习经历 2008年03月– 2014年08月 韩国庆尚大学环境生命科学专业 博士
2003年09月– 2006年06月 延边大学作物与耕作学专业 硕士
1998年09月– 2002年06月 延边大学农学系 农学学士
工作经历 2020年03月– 至今 바카라 놀이터农学系 副教授
2015年03月– 2020年02月 美国俄亥俄州立大学园艺与作物科学系 博士后研究员
2014年08月– 2015年02月 韩国庆尚大学应用生命科学部 博士后研究员
承担主要课程 本科生课程:
研究方向 主要从事植物抗逆境应答的分子机制研究。包括生物胁迫与非生物胁迫。
科研项目 延边大学“高端人才梯队培育”基金, 2021/03/01-2024/02/28
论文著作、科研成果及荣誉 1. Lim CJ, Ali A, Park J, Shen M, Park KS, Baek D and Yun DJ. (2021) HOS15-PWR chromatin remodeling complex positively regulates cold stress in Arabidopsis. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 1;1893978
2. Shen M, Lim CJ, Park J, Kim JE, Baek D, Nam J. Lee SY, Pardo JM, Kim WY, Mackey D, and Yun DJ. (2020) HOS15 is a transcriptional corepressor of NPR1-mediated gene activation of plant immunity. Proc Natl Acad Sci. USA,117(48):30805-30815
3. Lim CJ, Park J, Shen M, Park HJ, Cheong MS, Park KS, Baek D, Bae MJ, Ali A , Jan M, Lee SY, Lee BH, Kim WY, Pardo JM, and Yun DJ. (2020) The histone-modifying complex PWR/HOS15/HD2C epigenetically regulates cold tolerance. Plant Physiology, 184(2):1097-1111
4. Baek D, Shin G, Kim MC, Shen M, Lee SY, and Yun DJ.(2020)Histone deacetylase HDA9 with ABI4 contributes to ABA homeostasis in drought stress response. Frontiers in Plant Science, 25;11:143
5. Redditt TJ, Chung EH, Karimi HZ, Rodibaugh N, Zhang Y, Trinidad JC, Kim JH, Zhou Q, Shen M, Dangl JL, D Mackey, and Innes RW. (2019) AvrRpm1 functions as an ADP-ribosyl transferase to modify NOI-domain containing proteins, including Arabidopsis and soybean RPM1-interacting protein 4. Plant Cell 31: 2664–2681.
6. Ali A, Kim JK, Jan M, Khan HA, Khan IU, Shen M, Park J, Lim CJ, Hussain S, Baek D, Wang K, Chung WS, Rubio V, Lee SY, Gong Z, Kim WY, Bressan RA, Pardo JM, and Yun DJ. (2019) Rheostatic control of ABA signaling through HOS15-mediated OST1 degradation. Mol Plant. S1674-2052.
7. Toruño TY#, Shen M#, Coaker G, Mackey D. (2018) Regulated disorder: Posttranslational modifications control the RIN4 plant immune signaling hub. Mol Plant Microbe Interact: MPMI,32(1):56-64. (#共同第一作者)
8. Park J#, Lim CJ#, Shen M#, Park HJ, Cha JY, Iniesto E, Rubio V, Mengiste T, Zhu JK, Bressan RA, Lee SY, Lee BH, Jin JB, Jose M. Pardoi JM, Kim WY, and Yun DJ (2018) Epigenetic switch from repressive to permissive chromatin in response to cold stress. Proc Natl Acad Sci. USA 115(23):E5400-E5409. (#共同第一作者) 注:该论文得到 Judy Callis 教授推荐,被列为世界学术组织F1000Prime推荐论文
9. Geng X, Shen M, Kim JH, Mackey D. (2016) The Pseudomonas syringae type III effectors AvrRpm1 and AvrRpt2 promote virulence dependent on the F-box protein COI1. Plant Cell Reports 35, 921–932.
10. Baek D, Kim MC, Chun HJ, Kang S, Park HC, Shin G, Park J, Shen M, Hong H, Kim WY, Kim DH, Lee SY, Bressan RA, Bohnert  HJ, Yun DJ (2013) Regulation of miR399f transcription by AtMYB2 affects phosphate starvation responses in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 161:362–373.
11. Park HC, Kim ML, Kim HS, Park JH, Jung MS, Shen M, Kang CH, Kim MC, Lee SY, Cho MJ, Chung WS, Yun DJ (2010) Specificity of DNA sequences recognized by the zinc-finger homeodomain protein, GmZF-HD1 in soybean. Phytochemistry 71:1832–1838.
12. Hong MJ, Cheong MS, Lee J, Kim H, Jeong JC, Shen M, Ali Z, Park BK, Choi W, and Yun DJ (2008) Characterization of SID2 that is required for the production of salicylic acid by using β-GLUCURONIDASE and LUCIFERASE reporter system in Arabidopsis. Journal of Plant Biotechnology. 35: 3

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