1、著作:建设工程法规(ISBN 978-7-5612-7121-6). 西北工业大学出版社. 2020. 第二主编 2、专利:一种便于安装的建筑隔音用降噪隔板(ZL 2020 2 1254446.4). 2020 3、论文: 1)Attention and sentiment of the Chinese public toward a 3D 2 greening system based on Sina Weibo, International of Environmental Research and Public Health,2023.02,通讯作者 2) Research on the Teaching Reform of "Building construction" Course in the Network Information Age - Green low carbon transformation as the center, NMDME 2022,2022.10,第一作者 3) Research on University Architectural Design from the Perspective of Epidemic Prevention, ICUCME 2022,2022.07,通讯作者 4) Analysis on the Protection and Reuse of Urban Industrial Architecture Heritage, CEAEE 2021,2021.04,通讯作者 5) Landscape aging in ethnic minority regions based on entropy method-fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, CEAEE 2021,2021.04,通讯作者 6) Analysis of indoor thermal environment of Korean – chinese dwellings in yanbian area in winter, ICCAER2021,2021.01,通讯作者 7) Planning and Exploration of “Tourism + Folklore” Development Model in Yanbian, China from the Perspective of “Global Tourism”, ICUCME2020,2020.10,通讯作者 8) Research on Appropriate Aging of Living Environment Based on Developmental Psychology and Fuzzy Model, International Journal of Engineering and Technology,2020.04,通讯作者 9) Research on the Talent Cultivation Model of School-Enterprise Cooperation of Architecture Major Against the Background of "Internet Plus",2020.03,第一作者 10) A Study on the Teaching Reform of " Building Construction " Course of Architecture Major in Universities Based on Industry Norms,2020.01,第一作者